Monday, November 5, 2012

The Anatomy of a ProngBurger

On November 17th I will be cooking and hosting The Astoria Book and Supper Club's 5th meeting, for Steven King's 11-22-63, a book that takes a present day man back in time to prevent Kennedy's assassination.  The food described in the book has a very nostalgic appeal, and I knew I wanted to cook what many characters ate at Al's Diner, the Pronghorn Special: a double BBQ cheeseburger, mesquite fries and a thick shake.

If you're a meat eater, you most likely like burgers.  If you like burgers, you most likely have some sort of burger guidelines or standards.  For example, I like a charred and crispy on the outside, slightly rare on the inside burger with American cheese, lettuce, pickles and mayo or a special sauce on a soft bun.  We all have our favorites, and while I have my preferences, there aren't too many burgers that I would turn away.

When coming up with my version of the Prongburger, described as a BBQ double cheeseburger, I decided that the burger would have to have cheddar cheese, a homemade smoky BBQ sauce, bacon and fried onions.  Last night I had my practice run.  I bought potato hamburger buns, nice and dense and soft.  I fried up the onions in some butter and oil, using sherry to deglaze them and seasoned them with salt and pepper.  I made what is pretty close to my typical BBQ sauce, but I added liquid  smoke to it, giving it that mesquite bbq taste of Texas.  I had never used it before, and it was interesting when my apartment smelled like a tailgate when I woke up this morning.  I fried up the bacon, and then fried the burgers in some of the bacon fat-was that wrong?

Soon it was time for the last key "ingredient": the assembly.  Starting from the bottom bun, I spread some BBQ sauce on the bun, then a few slices of bacon, followed by a patty, a melted slice of cheddar, the other patty, another melted slice of cheddar, the fried onions, and then more BBQ sauce spread on the top of the bun.  I was happy with the assembly, because the burgers and accoutrements did not slide around, although they had some slippery potential.  I learned a couple lessons, and am ready to take the Prongburger on for real on the 17th.

So that was practice.  Not the greatest cell phone shot, but check back for the real thing in a couple of weeks!

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